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Next Webinar: We Are All Liminal Now

It feels almost redundant to say this: we are living through what feels like an enormously unprecedented period. It’s not, wholly. The world has seen crises like this before. But not often. The magnitude—and the visibility—of the Covid-19 pandemic has taken over our imaginations, and our lives, in a way that few saw coming, and that many of us are struggling to manage.

Where will this end? What does it mean for our lives and our work? How do we navigate the unknown? And how do we make sense of our current reality and prepare ourselves for what comes next? These are hard questions to answer, and the specific answers will likely be different for different communities, different organizations, and different countries. We are living in a shared experience that is nonetheless being experienced differently.

In an effort to figure out how to make sense of where we are and where we are going, Mark Mullaly revisits some of his earlier exploration on liminality. He dives into what liminal means, and it relates to the reality and circumstances of our current global situation. Most importantly, he unpacks what liminality can offer us as guidance for navigating—and living with—the uncertainty that we currently find ourselves in.

Join us for an exploration of where we are now, and how we can use the tools of liminality to think about and navigate our current circumstances differently.

As always, spread the word to those who might be interested in this webinar. You’re welcome to point entire associations, companies and small countries to these links. You would be doing us a favour if you did pass this on.

This webinar series is a de Jager & Co Limited ( and Interthink Consulting ( production.

Join us on 28 April 2020:

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