10 November 2021
Naming something gives us power over it. When we name something, we are unavoidably adding information to what we’re naming, one that is often self-referential. A name enables us to understand something better. It creates a focal point and a placeholder, defining its importance and making us more sensitive to encountering the thing we have named.
Despite these benefits, names also constrict our understanding of what we’re referring to. Names are shorthand, reducing complex realities into simplified abstractions. A name refers to a subset of what we’re looking at and obscures the total reality of what we’re experiencing.
A simple definition of a creative person is someone who sees the world differently than everyone else. Doing so is challenging. Seeing the world differently requires letting go of our current conceptions, our consistent patterns and our normal perspectives. A solid first step is to throw away the labels, the tags, the names we’ve attached to the world around us, to see the world as it is, and not as what others have labeled it.
Join Peter as he explores how we can see the world differently by turning a blind eye to the names that predefine what we regard.
As always, spread the word to those who might be interested in this webinar. You’re welcome to point entire associations, companies and small countries to these links. You would be doing us a favour if you did pass this on.
This webinar series is a de Jager & Co Limited (www.technobility.com) and Interthink Consulting (www.interthink.ca) production.
Join us on 10 November 2021:
- 10:00 AM MST/12:00 PM EST – Click here to register
- 4:00 PM MST/6:00 PM EST – Click here to register