15 February 2022
We all take notes of some shape, form and size. Your desk may be awash in post-it notes (or your virtual desktop). You may faithfully maintain a notebook that goes everywhere. You may have a fleet of notebooks, one for each project. You may use whatever scrap of paper—no matter how official-looking it might be—that comes to hand.
Now matter the systems that we use, they reflect our best attempts to stay on top what we know, what we have done and what we need to do next. The challenge is that, for most of us, we never really get taught how to take good notes. It is a skill that evolves mostly by osmosis, taking form in our formative years and evolving where and how we need it to as we progres through our careers. Often, our approach veers between two extremes: trying to retain absolutely everything, and barely managing to capture anything.
Over the past few months, Mark has taken a deep dive into the world of notes and notetaking. This started as a personal journey, attempting to get control of his own personal systems and means of organizing. It eventually went much deeper, reading and researching broadly across a variety of approaches, philosophies, tools and systems. He has emerged on the other side, informed, intrigued and more than a little humbled at the extent of this particular rabbit hole, and just how deep and convoluted some strategies go.
If you are trying to stay organized, to get on top of your commitments and to hang on to the most meaningful nuggets of information that come your way, this is a presentation you won’t want to miss. Whether you obsess over office supplies and fetishize notebooks, or you grudgingly manage with the bare minimum, there is something here for you. You will learn what is possible, and take away some practical suggestions for how to make your notes make sense.
As always, spread the word to those who might be interested in this webinar. You’re welcome to point entire associations, companies and small countries to these links. You would be doing us a favour if you did pass this on.
This webinar series is a de Jager & Co Limited (www.technobility.com) and Interthink Consulting (www.interthink.ca) production.
Join us on 15 February 2022:
- 10:00 AM MST/12:00 PM EST – Click here to register
- 4:00 PM MST/6:00 PM EST – Click here to register