Every profession—and every discipline—has a set of foundational books that define the essential principles, the guiding philosophies and the essential practices of a given domain.
Every person is unique. Each of us is a product of our genes, our formative experiences and the path of evolution we have followed into adulthood. For many of us, this is in part guided by the books we are exposed to, and the ideas that influence us. The avid reader, in particular, forms their worldview through words, pages, chapters and tomes.
This presentation is a little bit about the former. And a lot more about the latter.
In this webinar, Mark Mullaly takes a deep dive into the formative books that shaped his thinking, his perspective and his development. He looks at the reading that most resonated and influenced his perspectives and perceptions. In particular, he identifies the key concepts that he valued from each book, and why those insights and ideas resonated as strongly as they did. He will also explore how those concepts have evolved, and the influence they do or don’t play today (at least to the degree that he’s consciously aware of them).
Join us for this biography as bibliography. It is very likely Mark’s most personal presentation yet. You’ll gain new perspectives, new ideas and perhaps discover some new and interesting books along the way.
As always, spread the word to those who might be interested in this webinar. You’re welcome to point entire associations, companies and small countries to these links. You would be doing us a favour if you did pass this on.
This webinar series is a de Jager & Co Limited (www.technobility.com) and Interthink Consulting (www.interthink.ca) production.
Rescheduled to 28 July 2020:
- 10:00 AM MST/12:00 PM EST – Click here to register
- 4:00 PM MST/6:00 PM EST – Click here to register
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