The increasing advocacy for a new and better way of managing projects is very much rooted in dissatisfaction with the current environments. This article makes the argument that whether an agile or structured approach to project management is adopted, project results are unlikely to change significantly until organizational leaders recognize and step up to their role in overseeing projects.
Managing Systems Projects: We Can Fight Our Way Out Of Wet Paper Bags
There is a collective belief that systems projects have a problem in being managed effectively: that they deliver late, over budget and rarely provide what they were supposed to in the first place. While this is a reasonably well founded assertion, it doesn’t have to be that way. This article explores why.
You Can Claim Some of the ROI Some of the Time
While typical approaches to calculating ROI explore the perspective of both the process taken and the tools used, there is another angle to IT justification that bears consideration. If we look at the types of IT investments we make and the rationale that underlies each, ROI provides a clear basis for analyzing some benefits – but it may not be the best form of decision making for all of them. This article explores why.
Planning For Benefits Realization: Defending ROI
Business cases for IT projects experience a high level of mistrust and suspicion. Executives and senior managers often question whether the benefits being claimed can actually be realized, or even if the costs are actually in line. This article takes a look at what is necessary to make a successful business case.
What Makes A Great Project Manager? Insights & Opportunities
What makes a great project manager? What are the attributes that define project management excellence, and what should we need to look for in hiring project managers or—more importantly—recognizing and developing our internal staff capabilities?
Measuring The PMO
One of the greatest challenges for most Project Management Offices today is being able to actually demonstrate their value and relevance to the organizations they support. One of the big challenges is how to measure success. This article offers a framework for effectively measuring PMOs.