As project managers, we are often thrust in a leadership role. We need to face and deal with the challenges. There are some models and tools that provide the project manager with great insights into becoming an effective leader.
Navigating Organizational Politics
Politics is an inevitable reality in organizational life. Neither good nor bad, it’s how things get accomplished. We need to understand our approach to politics to understand how we best get things done.
Managing In A Global World: How Easy Is This Anyway?
Globalization is a dominant them in the media, and the accepted wisdom is that increased globalization is inevitable. What does this mean for the project manager, and for the overall practice of project management?
Got Governance?
Governance is one of those terms that is commonly used but not so commonly understood. But if it is as vital as many make out, what is it, why is it important and how do we know if we are not getting it?
Project Management 2.0: It Won’t Go Anywhere Without Project Leadership 1.0
The increasing advocacy for a new and better way of managing projects is very much rooted in dissatisfaction with the current environments. This article makes the argument that whether an agile or structured approach to project management is adopted, project results are unlikely to change significantly until organizational leaders recognize and step up to their role in overseeing projects.
Negotiating Your Leadership Authority
Leadership is one of those things about which a great deal is written, but little is concretely defined. We can often describe bad leadership, but struggle for real personal examples of good leadership. What does it take to become an effective leader?