While the PMP is considered by many the default certification in project management, it is by no means alone. There are, in fact, many different certifications available, with different standards and differing levels of credibility. A buyer’s guide for the informed consumer.
Training For PM Certification: The Good, The Bad & The Highly Questionable
Certification continues to be a hot topic. Leaving behind the question of why you would seek certification, we now explore how. The biggest challenge for many is the exam. So how do we prepare, and how effective are those approaches?
PM Certification Redux: An Immodest Response
Clearly, given the responses to date, the subject of certification and what is ‘appropriate’ is one that concerns us all. It is a topic that generates passionate positions on both sides of the fence. Is there a way to resolve these perspectives?
A Modest Proposal: Redefining Project Management Certification
There are inherent challenges in how many certifications today are structured, as well as in how they are marketed and perceived. What should an effective certification look like, and why would that be important?
The PMP: How Much Value Does It Offer?
Getting your PMP is a significant investment. It takes time and money to get certified, but is that investment supported by a sufficient return? What does the certification provide, and why is that useful?
The Perceived Need for Specialist Project Managers
One of the favourite arguments of project managers is how portable their skills actually are. Can they move from IT, for example, to engineering? In reality, the challenge today is more complex, as we see an increasing emphasis on specialization even within disciplines. What does it mean for developing our careers?