Process is an essential dimension of project management. Its the essence of our standards. It’s the basis of how we think about building organizational capabilities. An essential belief underlying project management maturity is that better process leads to better results.
And yet, the way process is implemented is often… less than optimal. That’s why project management is at times seen as nothing more than bureaucracy, administration and filling out forms. In how project management is defined, that’s often what it looks like. Not that project management has to be formal or bureaucratic (or that there was an intention in developing project management that it should be that way). For a lot of organizations, however, this defines the reality of how process is perceived.
Process doesn’t have to be hard. And project management doesn’t have to just be about process. We have a choice in how we look at—and think about—the way we get things done. We can adopt a process-based approach and still be responsive, adaptable, flexible and—above all—relevant in what we do and how we do it.
In this presentation, Mark Mullaly explores the world of process as it has been, and how it can be. He identifies what works—and doesn’t work—about process today. Most importantly, he identifies a roadmap and way of thinking about our processes and capabilities that can support the attainment of results without a lot of paperwork along the way. If you are responsible for—or have been victimized by—process, this will be a presentation you won’t want to miss.
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Join us on 25 May 2017:
- 10:00 AM MST/12:00 PM EST – Click here to register
- 4:00 PM MST/6:00 PM EST – Click here to register
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