Managing the project initiation process is no where near as straightforward as most processes would imply. The path to getting any one project initiated is a labyrinthine maze of process, politics and organizational culture. The path through this maze is not constant, and often feels like it has to be re-learned for each and every […]
Policing (or Civilizing?) the Internet
In the ’emerging meme’ department, I have been intrigued by a number of recent efforts to police, or civilize, the Internet. Or at least those corners of it that individuals feel they are able to claim some ownership of.
For Want Of A Reader – A Personal Tragedy (Part 2)
Like others, I have spent a fair bit of time looking at alternatives and figuring out what would work for me. A big question was what Reeder was going to do; the product was well respected, but the end of the day it has a single developer behind it. And while the commitments on the […]
For Want Of A Reader – A Personal Tragedy (Part 1)
I have spent an inordinate amount of my life figuring out how to organize significant parts of my life. Whether it is figuring out how to track and manage projects, maintain my calendar, manage my commitments or keep track of my writing, there has been an on-going and somewhat frustrating effort to get to a […]
Stimulating Creativity
Every so often, our collective unconscious seems to get oddly aligned on a particular topic, without there being any particularly evident indication of why this should be the case. As an example, in the last few weeks I have managed to come across several unrelated—and at times contradictory—articles, exploring the intersection of caffeine, coffee shops […]
Expectations And Reality
There are days and times when our expectations don’t line up with our reality. Often, we go into a situation with expectations of how it will turn out, and then—for whatever reason—what actually occurs fails to live up with how we imagined it. At the same time, there are occasions when our expectations are quite […]