Roald Amundsen was the world’s greatest polar explorer: he was conqueror of the South Pole, the Northwest Passage and the North Pole, and a survivor where others perished or failed. He was also arguably the world’s greatest project manager. Amundsen thrived on danger and adversity. It was then that he became a calm, determined, and […]
Webinar (Jan 2014) – Insurmountable Technical Debt
‘Technical debt’ is a brilliantly concise metaphor coined by Ward Cunningham back in the 1990’s that cannily describes the behaviour of software and surrounding processes implemented in the real world of limited costs and time. The debt refers to work undone, which either must eventually be undertaken by subsequent projects or managed through ever more […]
Webinar – Taking a Read on 2013
Last year’s last webinar was a huge success, so we are reviving the format once again as we close out the year. In December’s webinar, Peter and Mark are both presenting. They will taking a read on the year that has passed, discussing the best business books they have read this year. These may build […]
Webinar: Life Hacking For Grown-ups
Lifehacking for grown-ups: Strategies for coping in an insanely busy world “Life hacking refers to any productivity trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life; in other words, anything that solves an everyday problem in a clever or non-obvious way.” So says Wikipedia (at least, it did […]
Webinar – Getting Started
Managing the project initiation process is no where near as straightforward as most processes would imply. The path to getting any one project initiated is a labyrinthine maze of process, politics and organizational culture. The path through this maze is not constant, and often feels like it has to be re-learned for each and every […]
Webinar – Getting Stuck
“Problem Solving” is a superset of skills that we apply to all aspects of our life. Managing projects, tackling risks, buying a house, deciding what movie to watch and choosing a new job all require us to solve problems. Given the pervasive presence of problems, it would be nice if we had a well rehearsed […]