In our current environment, resilience is deemed an essential capability. Especially now, in the midst of a global pandemic, resilience is seen as an essential quality. Organizationally as well as personally, viability is deemed to be measured by how resilient we are. The challenge is that resilience is one of those malleable words that we […]
Next Webinar: We Have Blind Spots Everywhere We Look
31 March 2021 Three examples of what Peter is going to explore in this session. You’ve tested positive for a rare disease, via a test that is 99% accurate.How likely is it that you have the disease? I have two, and only two, children, the eldest is a girl.What are the chances that both my […]
Next Webinar: On Storytelling
25 February 2021 Story matters. On some level, we know the importance of story. At the same time, we often minimize or deride storytelling as frivolous, a waste of time, a distraction from the serious business of doing work. The reality is that story is everything. It is how we think. It is how we […]
Next Webinar: Making Personal Strategy Matter
28 January 2021 Where do you want to go? What is your dream for the future? What changes are you passionate about making—for yourself, for your organization, for the world? And what is your strategy to get there? Building concrete plans is challenging. The future is a big, fuzzy, uncertain place. We don’t know what […]
Next Webinar: Taking A Read On 2020
Ideas. Words. Sentences. Paragraphs. Whole chapters. Such is the stuff of books. Every book is made up of those structures. The really great ones also have an extra little bit of magic woven through. It’s not possible to read every book that is published. It’s not even possible to buy every book published (Mark has […]
Next Webinar: To Master the Chaos – Become More CHAOTIC
24 November 2020 While Mark and I have both touched on the “liminal state” we currently find ourselves in, there is much more still here in addressing the challenges we all face. We’re all in transit towards something new. While that’s perpetually true—”change is a constant” after all—we’ve always been able to ask someone who […]