Entrepreneurs have an interesting and fundamental challenge, which is to grow the company beyond themselves. At the outset, the entrepreneur is everything: product developer, salesperson, marketer, consultant, accountant, office cleaner and more. The challenge is when they seek to grow beyond that stage.
Assholes in Business: A Contrary Perspective on Apple
Over the last week, the universe has been working a little serendipitously. My last post here explored whether Apple — and more specifically, Steve Jobs — was a case study in whether you had to be an asshole to succeed in business. Almost as if in reply, Walter Isaacson (the author of the renowned biography, Steve Jobs) published […]
Assholes in Business: Is Apple A Relevant Case Study?
One of the prompts for this series of posts was picking up a book at a newsstand in an airport on what it takes to be successful in running an organization. No, the irony of that is not lost on me.
Assholes in Business: A Necessary Evil?
A question that has been rattling around my consciousness for a few months now is related to the idea of success, and what is required in order to be successful in business. To phrase it succinctly, it is, “Do you have to be an asshole to succeed in business?” Certainly, the evidence would appear to […]
Linchpin: Leadership & Lizard Brains
It’s entirely rare that I read a book that I really, really wish that I had written. Rarer still is when the book in question is written by a populist writer. Not because I view myself as contrarian, elitist or snobbish per se (recognizing the likely irony inherent in someone using the term ‘per se’ in an […]