It’s all well and good to say that we should dig deep, commit to learning and move forward with intention. But move forward where? What are we trying to accomplish? What goal are we really trying to bring to life. If we are honest with ourselves, most of us are wandering around with dozens of partly-formed dreams, ambitions and aspirations that hope our future self will get around to bringing to fruition. Continuing to push those ideas past the horizon into the future makes that realization unlikely. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Walking The Razor’s Edge
Much is made of the value of stretch goals. Managers love them, consultants pontificate about them and employees are victimized by them. There is irony in stretch goals, also. Those those people and organizations that are best able to leverage stretch goals often don’t. What constitutes “stretch” is variable, and varies for each of us. They are not necessarily attainable, at times they aren’t even reasonable, and in all instances we are walking the razor’s edge between success and failure. We need to be okay with that. Especially now.
A Year Gone Quite Mad
What a long, strange year it’s been. It is more than a little astonishing that—as I write this—it’s the winter solstice. It feels like the year started last week. And it feels like an eternity. My reflections on 2018, my plans for the coming year: what you can expect of me, and what I hope for you.
Reflections & Resolutions
I don’t generally write about myself, but I’m making an exception to that here. I’ve been away for awhile, dealing with a number of challenges on the personal front. Now, as we start a new year, I’m taking an opportunity to review and reflect on the year that has passed, and explore what is ahead in 2018.
Thanks for your patience.