It is a nearly universally accepted truth that large IT projects often struggle to succeed. Learning from these failures is essential if we are ever going to improve. A recent task force report helps shed light on these challenges.
Pick Your Battles
Change often comes about by being able to clearly demonstrate a better way of doing things. In the face of unorthodox challenges, however, we may need to accept more unorthodox solutions.
Spelling Out EPM
One of the most elusive concepts facing organizations in implementing project management is understanding exactly what ‘enterprise project management’ represents. The concept is appealing, but what does it take to make it work?
Don’t Jump The Shark
It’s easy — and dangerous — to treat project management as a fad. Much of this comes from how project management is adopted — or adapted.
Organizational Best Practices: How Do You Measure Up?
What are the practices that have the greatest influence on organizational and project success? Insights from a major research effort.
Aligning Strategic Plans & The Execution Of Work: Projects Are Strategy
In the world of organizations, all work can be divided into two categories: you are either running the business or you are changing the business. If you are changing the business, you are managing projects. This article explains why.