There’s a very interesting thing that happens when organizations get to the point where they have a formal process to do something: They expect everyone to follow it. And that’s a mistake.
All Is Not the Same in the World of Project Management
You would think that project management would be a pretty uniform concept. You would be wrong. What passes for project management continues to vary considerably, and it does so for several reasons…
The Road Best Taken
What are the best practices that exist in managing projects on an organizational basis? Research identifies those enterprise-wide practices that have the greatest impacts.
You Can Get There From Here
While maturity models help organizations to understand their current capabilities, their greatest value is in defining the most effective path forward in improving project management practices.
On The Road To Maturity
How much process actually makes sense, and when does the law of diminishing returns kick in? Research is starting to help to define and demonstrate where value can be realized, and where it stops.
Process Maturity Matters
Projects@Work magazine editor Aaron Smith interviewed Mark Mullaly about the results of the Organizational Project Management Baseline study, and its implications in developing organizational project management capabilities.