Albert Einstein is attributed with defining insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…
Indecisive? There’s An App For That
As most readers know (or have no doubt deduced by now), I have a professional interest in how we make decisions. So if the Globe & Mail is going to publish an article with the headline “Choices got you down? Leave it to an app (and strangers) to decide for you,” I’m probably going to […]
What Are You In It For?
Entrepreneurs and leaders face enormous challenges. They are not the same challenges, however, and it would be dangerous to genericize the concept of ’universal leader’ in the same way that ’homo economicus’ is a bit of a non-starter. The investment marketplace is an irrational place to play, but we are all unique in our irrationality.
Changing Language: The Need to Keep Up
Words are powerful. They shape how we function, they influence what we think and they change how we perceive the world around us. The astonishing thing is that they have the power to do so without many of us even realizing it.
A Gendered View of Decision Making
A really interesting article appeared on Science Daily last week, making the assertion that women make better decisions than men. This position is based upon a study by two Canadian professors (Chris Bart and Gregory McQueen), recently published in the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. It’s an interesting position and an interesting perspective.
For Want Of A Paper…
You don’t realize how comfortable and familiar that routines are until you try to change them. Take something as simple as the newspaper. For years, it has (mostly) reliably shown up on my doorstep, and I have pretty much made a point of reading it every day.