Last week, I shared what I learned from our newsletter survey. This week, I share where the newsletter (and my contributions to various other outlets) will go in the new year. Be sure to stay tuned for more fun in the future!
Who You Are, And What You Like
A few weeks ago, I asked you to spend some time letting us know what you think about our newsletter. Several responded (and in detail, thank you very much!) Here is what you had to say.
Editing, Insight & Meaning
We are all editors. By that, I mean that throughout our lives we disclose—or don’t—material information. The challenge of editing in all aspects of life is a significant one. We choose what to leave in—and what to leave out—in many areas of our lives. Telling stories. Reporting findings. Presenting research. Writing reports. But how does […]
Lies, Damn Lies and… Where are the Statistics?
A really interesting article caught my attention in the Globe & Mail on Monday, suggesting that your most engaged employees may also be your lowest performing employees. And your high performers may be feeling completely powerless. I can only imagine the legion of managers and supervisors that snorted their morning coffee or choked on their bagel as […]