Companies today, recognizing they face serious cultural, behavioural and management challenges, often look to project management as a quick-fix band-aid that can alleviate—or even eliminate—many of the problems in the organization. Sadly this is backwards. This article explores what must be present organizationally for project management to work.
The Challenge of Organizational Success: It All Comes Down To Projects
Organizations will grow or fail entirely based upon their success in managing projects. Project management will be the yardstick by which future organizational success is measured. The path to success or failure, however, is not obvious. This article explores some of the critical challenges that organizations must face.
The Problems Of Top-Down Leadership: You Live In A Valley
Some of the greatest innovations—not just of our lifetime, but throughout the ages—are the products of a select few individuals seeing, understanding and believing a truth where all others saw fallacy, lies and heresy. Is corporate leadership today any different? This article explores what it takes to lead innovation.