While it can be dangerous to try and predict the future, effective planning requires making some educated guesses about where things are going. The expectations for project management are increasing, and this article attempts to explore some of the emerging trends.
The Road Best Taken
What are the best practices that exist in managing projects on an organizational basis? Research identifies those enterprise-wide practices that have the greatest impacts.
You Can Get There From Here
While maturity models help organizations to understand their current capabilities, their greatest value is in defining the most effective path forward in improving project management practices.
On The Road To Maturity
How much process actually makes sense, and when does the law of diminishing returns kick in? Research is starting to help to define and demonstrate where value can be realized, and where it stops.
No Manifesto
Project management is about getting things done. There are now many flavours of project management, each with their own manifesto and ideology. What does this mean for project management overall?
Pick Your Battles
Change often comes about by being able to clearly demonstrate a better way of doing things. In the face of unorthodox challenges, however, we may need to accept more unorthodox solutions.