I seem to have a bit of a thing for metaphors lately. Particularly metaphors of exploration. This week, I found myself challenged in ways that I haven’t been previously on several fronts that I currently lack sufficient expertise. Any one challenge might have been daunting. Encountering all of them at once was downright intimidating. That put me in mind of a movie that I once loved. In that, I began to find some answers.
Immerse In Learning
Your approach and appetite for learning says a great deal about who you are and how you approach your work and your life. We often view success as being defined by accomplishment—work done, status attained and accomplishment realized. In reality, much of satisfaction comes from actually doing the work, immersing yourself in experiences and challenges and formulating ways to realize accomplishment. Nowhere is this more true than in situations where success requires learning and growth.
Tools In The Toolbox: A Diatribe
Adding a tool to the toolbox. On the surface, this sounds like an awesome and progressive thing to do. And yet—all too often—we risk become packrats, adding more tools without an appreciation of the context of why. Solving real organization problems isn’t an issue of needing more tools. It’s an issue of using the tools that we have effectively and well.