While earned value management is gaining considerable attention, it also has some inherent flaws – in how it is implemented and how it is used. These lead to three deadly sins: those of omission, commission and deception.
Creativity vs. Compliance
We live in a world that is increasingly demanding auditability. Is this getting in the way of our ability to get things done?
How Agile Do We Need To Be?
The idea of ‘agile’ and ‘extreme’ project management is growing in visibility. Many proponents hold it up as unique and different, and needing to be applied and thought of in different ways than ‘normal’ project management. But how unique is agile from what most of us understand agile to be?
Managing In The Face Of Imposed Models
Process development often starts with the adoption of models and standards. These are not always most helpful in defining processes that actually produce results.
The ‘3 Bears’ Theory Of Project Management
Project managers are under incredible pressure to do more, more effectively and with less resources. Faced with these challenges, we have to ask how much we invest in the process of managing our projects. How much is too much, how much is not enough, and what does ‘just right’ actually look like?
The Challenge Of Project Learning
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result. Yet often this is what happens to our projects. We recognize that we should change what we do, yet we don’t take the time to learn.