The more complex the world becomes, the more we want certainties and absolutes. Sadly, a project environment is not a place to find them. In fact, with projects increasing in complexity, it is more important than ever to effectively plan around the uncertainties inherent within them.
Hard Outsourcing Questions
Outsourcing has had a banner decade. As organizations seek to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and focus on their core capabilities, outsourcing has become a growing trend. There are inherent challenges in successfully outsourcing, however. Challenges that many companies providing these services would rather you didn’t think about.
It’s The Organizational Change, Stupid…
Process and process improvement are at the heart of many projects that we take on. Unfortunately, sometimes we lose sight of the fact that process is simply an abstract representation of real people doing real work.
Critical Distinctions
While there are two types of success on any project – the success of the project, and the success of the investment — for many, there is a resistance to separating the ideas. Merging them, however, creates confusion rather than clarity.
So What’s The Benefit? Rethinking Project Success
Thinking about how we define project management is an important consideration. Equally so is how we evaluate project management success. There are a number of perspectives to consider, some valuable and some dangerous.
Potholes On The Road To Change: More Travelled, Less Accomplished
The capacity for effective organizational change shares many attributes with common sense: a feeling that it is all too uncommon, and lacking in widespread, rational logic. We feel that change should be easier, and yet it isn’t. This article explores why.