Mindful senior managers need to “wake up” to the fact that only 30% of US workers are fully engaged in their work; only 15% of workplaces inspire real employee enthusiasm and an even smaller number can actually lay claim to the assertion that they are “great” places to work, because employees trust managers. More disturbingly, […]
Information Wants To Be Clear: PowerPoint Isn’t Helping
I’ve been thinking a lot about how we communicate over the last few months, and all of the ways we do it badly, particularly in a business context. So I was intrigued—and bemused—when I came a across a blog post entitled Why I Write In PowerPoint.
Webinar – We Have Nothing To Fear, But…
It’s not something we like to talk about, especially when we’re discussing organizational culture, but FEAR—of all shapes, sizes and sources—exists in the world, as well as hallowed halls of cubicles. Given that it does exist (we have far too many examples of it to deny), what should we do about it, if anything? On […]
Review – Losing the Signal
For the most part, I am not a fan of business biography. Too often they are hagiographic, arguing for a particular perspective in order to ‘set the record straight’ from the view of one party. Seldom is there actual balance.
Webinar – Inspiring Incredible Customer Service: Observations From A Gurney
Most organizations want to deliver effective customer service. Far fewer organizations truly deliver on that promise. Delivering exceptional customer service is not an easy undertaking. It’s not something that can be required, demanded or even expected. It’s something that needs to be inspired and nurtured. More important—and more challenging—is getting everyone to embrace and commit […]
In Praise of the Misericordia Hospital
A version of this article was published in the Edmonton Journal on 27 May 2015. Certainly, it can be argued that the Alberta health care system has its challenges. Efficiency and the cost effectiveness of health care services were a key issue in the most recent election, and reining in health care costs has been […]