It is fascinating the power that seasons have over us. For all of our attempts to defy nature, and to regulate our existence into a monochrome sameness for the sake of efficiency and productivity, it really doesn’t work. The seasons unfold, and they hold an extraordinary power over us in the process.
What I Will Do On My Summer Vacation
I find myself in an interesting situation as the beginning of July looms. For the first time since I was thirteen or so, I have the summer off. Well, not completely off… I do, after all, have a thesis to write. So I’m in summer school, if you will. But in terms of work obligations, […]
Celebrating The Little Things
This week, a very important thing happened. I got my research ethics application for my thesis submitted by the deadline. Admittedly, this application is a small hurdle in a very long process. For me, however, it came to be viewed as a near-insurmountable hurdle in what was a seemingly interminable process.
The Joy Of Writing A Thesis
This blog has been a little quiet of late. It would be easy to surmise that the cause of this unfortunate lapse is the creeping doom of obliged regular postings grasping my enthusiasm in its icy claws, progressively squeezing the life out of it. Actually, that’s not easy to say, and while it might be […]
Making Big Projects Seem Small
I have something of a reputation as a procrastinator. Ill deserved, mind you, but present nonetheless. As an illustration… I have been working on my thesis since 2004. At least, I have been enrolled in a doctoral program in which the production of a thesis figures strongly as a required deliverable. While there were moves […]
Finding A Path To Purpose
The past six months have been interesting. Challenging. Difficult. Not fun, although there have been fun elements. Not exactly happy, although there have been happy moments. I have been starting over. And starting over is hard.