Words are powerful. They shape how we function, they influence what we think and they change how we perceive the world around us. The astonishing thing is that they have the power to do so without many of us even realizing it.
A Gendered View of Decision Making
A really interesting article appeared on Science Daily last week, making the assertion that women make better decisions than men. This position is based upon a study by two Canadian professors (Chris Bart and Gregory McQueen), recently published in the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. It’s an interesting position and an interesting perspective.
On The Curatorial Role
An interesting word has shown up more frequently of late. At least, I’ve noticed it more. It’s not a new word, by any stretch. In fact it’s an old — and seemingly old-fashioned — word. One that implies stuffiness, to an extent, but also curiosity. It connotes bringing together a jumble of otherwise uninspired objects, […]
What I Have Learned At 39,000 Feet…
I have inarguably spent a fair bit of time up in the air of late. While the benefits of air travel are few and far between in this day and age, it does afford ample opportunities for people watching, and offers some interesting insights into the human condition. I share the following for your edification […]
Censored & Proud
The Russians understand the power of art. And, as we all know, power corrupts. The corruption of art is what led to the state-sanctioned control of all forms of art during the Soviet era. It led to the development of the underground art community, exemplified by the likes of Solzhenitsyn and Platonov. It is what raises […]
Leading Change & Lending Reputations
There was an extremely interesting article in this weekend’s Globe & Mail that highlights some important issues about how we evolve as a society. Ostensibly profiling the meteoric rise to awareness of the Stop Kony video, produced by Invisible Children, it raises some fundamental questions about how issues are addressed, explored and resolved in a society in which social media […]