We all hit that point where we hit a wall creatively. We are drained, spent, wrung dry. The challenge is how to recognize it and what to do about it. Finding wellsprings of creativity in the desert of our souls.
Doing The Work
Sooner or later, it all devolves to work. Success is about showing up and doing the best possible work we can. Much of the role of purpose is helping us to adapt that mindset. Which means it’s all a bit of a mind game. But it’s a really important mind game.
The Creative Value Of Boundaries
We tend not to like the idea of constraints. Boundaries are, after all, rather limiting. And yet they are also essential to creativity and innovation. The essential value of limitations in thinking big.
The Horrible, Awful, Terrible Truth About Creativity
I delivered a webinar a couple of weeks ago that was not awesome. I had hoped it would be amazing. The opportunity was there. And yet it fell short. The reason why provides a lot of insight into how creativity really works.
Creativity, Innovation & the Box
We are surrounded by increasingly strident exhortations to “think outside the box.” It’s an interesting expression, and one that has almost become a cliché.
Abstract, Not Concrete: The Value of Models
How much guidance do we need for a model to actually be useful? The very value of models is that they are abstractions. They provide ways of taking complex situations and simplifying them through structure, categories and labels. They make the infinite shades of grey a little bit more black and white.