Deliverables are powerful demons. When we don’t pay attention to them, they grow in size, ferocity and monstrosity. Particularly when deadlines start to loom. And while intense focus can be a productive mindset, it shouldn’t be a perpetual one. Slaying our subconscious workload beasts.
On Urgency: Ineffective, Optimal or Overwhelming
Urgency often gets thought of very simplistically in the context of procrastination and deadlines. It plays a critical role in how we function as individuals and teams. It also gets out of balance really quickly.
What Do You Think You Are Doing?
On the very good days, we can be exceptionally creative and productive. On the bad days, we can’t even spell ‘productive,’ let alone use it coherently in a sentence. What we know about engagement and procrastination, and what we need to keep in mind.
Just What Are You Waiting For?
When we are faced with large and uncertain projects, we often become entirely overwhelmed. And the larger the project, the more creative our forms of procrastination. Strategies to tackle the most important problems of all.
Done vs. Done Well
How we think about work is perceptual. How we approach it is critical. We can just do the work, or we can invest the effort to do it well. Why I think that’s important.
The Creative Value Of Boundaries
We tend not to like the idea of constraints. Boundaries are, after all, rather limiting. And yet they are also essential to creativity and innovation. The essential value of limitations in thinking big.