The forces that are driving changes in perceptions in projects, in process and in how we work in teams are real, significant and not going away any time soon. The pressure to deliver—and do so quickly—is continuing to ramp up. That has some fundamental implications for organizations, how they think about projects and how they think about project management.
When Is a Program Not a Program?
Programs are strange beasts. We know they exist. We recognize they are complex. We acknowledge they take a different approach to manage successfully. And yet, what that different approach looks like is very often misunderstood.
Complexity Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
As we are becoming more (excruciatingly?) aware, we live in a world of increased complexity. But just what does that mean, exactly? And in particular, what does it mean in the context of our projects?
Project Managers Are People, Too!
What we view and value as project managers is complicated. We like challenge. At the same time, challenge can quickly become overwhelming. What we—and our organizations—do about this is an open question.
What Makes an Initiative Strategic? And Why Does It Matter?
We hear a lot about strategic initiatives. What we don’t hear about, however, is how and why they get that label in the first place. What makes one project strategic, where another one is just a project? And just what kind of impact does labelling a project “strategic” have on its ability to be successful?
Not Your Benefits, Not Your Realization
Benefits realization is the topic du jour. Projects produce benefits. Organizations want to realize them. Guess who’s being looked to in order to make sure that happens? Yup, that would be you. The project manager.