How we think about change is stuck in the past. Judging by the way we organize, there are those who would like to keep it that way. We need to think differently about how we organize for change. And we need to change our organizations.
Everything In Its Place
Miss en place is a delightful term. It comes from cooking, and is the basis of preparation for a chef. Meaning “everything in its place,” it highlights the value of being ready. It also highlights the value of actually getting started.
The Power Of Play
Are we having fun yet? This question often conceals a great deal of derision. It gets asked most when things are stressful and challenging. But it’s actually a great question. Exploring why we should embrace play and fun when the going gets really serious.
So What?
We try to understand situations, analyze problems and offer solutions. We believe that they solutions will be understood on their own merits. That the general insights we offer will be translated into personal implications that people are prepared to embrace and run with. And we would be wrong. A meditation on the importance of two words.
Tools In The Toolbox: A Diatribe
Adding a tool to the toolbox. On the surface, this sounds like an awesome and progressive thing to do. And yet—all too often—we risk become packrats, adding more tools without an appreciation of the context of why. Solving real organization problems isn’t an issue of needing more tools. It’s an issue of using the tools that we have effectively and well.
Next Webinar: Faking It ’til We Make It: A Viable Strategy?
“Fake it until you make it.” So the saying goes, and so goes so much management wisdom. From some perspectives, this would seem like a viable strategy. Current insights into leadership development suggest that we act ourselves into new ways of thinking, and not the other way around. That we learn by doing. That means […]