I speak. In fact, I speak fairly regularly. I’ve been speaking for nearly 20 years now, and I like to think I’m reasonably good at it. At least once a month, and quite often more, I find myself in front of an audience who wants to know what I have to say.
A Sense Of Place
There is a tendency among many of us to think “If only this would happen, then everything would be OK.” Or “Once this happens, then I will be able to move forward.” For the most part, it is a line of thinking I try to discourage. Speculative and conditional thinking keep us living for (and […]
Webinar – Yes! I Am Allowed To Do That! The Confidence To Take Action
Mark is our May presenter in the Technobility webinar series. Entitled “Yes, I Am Allowed To Do That: The Confidence To Take Action”, this presentation is the second in the series presenting the results from Mark’s doctoral thesis. Project managers are in a unique position. On one hand, they are leaders of change, charged with […]
Alternative Universes: A Personal Perspective
In an alternate universe, I will be getting on a plane tomorrow and flying to the west coast. There, I will be spending a lovely, relaxing week with my bride of many years, visiting friends, reading, drinking wine, eating awesome food and taking time to breathe. In other words, embracing and enjoying life.
On Learning: Hurtling off the Cliff
As children, we embrace learning new skills and abilities with a vengeance. In that we start life with no skills, and pretty much everything around us is fascinating and interesting, and we want to be able to do things that others already understand, we eagerly embrace the unknown. What is fascinating at this age, however, […]
Lies, Damn Lies and… Where are the Statistics?
A really interesting article caught my attention in the Globe & Mail on Monday, suggesting that your most engaged employees may also be your lowest performing employees. And your high performers may be feeling completely powerless. I can only imagine the legion of managers and supervisors that snorted their morning coffee or choked on their bagel as […]