We know we are supposed to learn from our projects. While we know this, acknowledge it and theoretically agree with it, for the most part we don’t do it. Lessons aren’t learned so much as they are observed. Can we change?
Complexity Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
As we are becoming more (excruciatingly?) aware, we live in a world of increased complexity. But just what does that mean, exactly? And in particular, what does it mean in the context of our projects?
We Are All Consultants
What do you think about when you reflect on the word “consultant”? A challenge that all consultants have is a product of their role, regardless of who employs them. No matter how knowledgeable, objective, insightful and expert we are, we have no control over what anyone does with our recommendations.
All Is Not the Same in the World of Project Management
You would think that project management would be a pretty uniform concept. You would be wrong. What passes for project management continues to vary considerably, and it does so for several reasons…
Project Management as If Service Mattered
Do we recognize as project managers the kind of service we are describing? What service actually matters as a project manager? And how do we know that we are delivering it?
Confronting My Biases About PMOs
Conceptually, the idea of a PMO is worthwhile. The practical reality is often something different. And therein lies the rub: PMOs look great on paper, and yet in actuality they are often questionably relevant and useful.