Trust is a big thing. A strongly related concept is motive. Our motives shape our intentions, and our perceived actions lead to some pretty significant conclusions about our motives. Getting to the heart of what we are doing, why we are doing it and what we might want to do differently is pretty essential.
Done vs. Done Well
How we think about work is perceptual. How we approach it is critical. We can just do the work, or we can invest the effort to do it well. Why I think that’s important.
Our Actions Define Our Choices
It’s easy to think, “Once I get through this next thing, I’ll have some time.” We often spend time living for the future. We also often resent the lack of time to focus on what we think is most important to us. But we have a choice.
Confidence vs. Competence
We have an enormous tendency to confuse confidence with competence. We want someone who can do the work, but we tend to trust the person that looks the part. Doing so is inherently dangerous, and points to some significant biases we may not even recognize.
Webinar: The Zen of Problem Solving: The Path of No Resistance
There are solutions to some people problems that from an outside perspective look like magic. Do one small, simple thing, and large, seemingly intractable problems vanish. In reality, getting to the point where the ‘little simple thing’ becomes visible to the problem solver is sometimes a long, painful and poorly marked path. But this should […]
As Authentic As I Wanna Be
We have an authenticity problem. More specifically, we have a belief that we are supposed to be exactly who we are, all the time. There is compelling evidence that suggests that perception is exactly wrong.