Leading change is a challenging undertaking. In particular, we must as individuals find the confidence to lead in the face of indifference, uncertainty and sometimes outright opposition. One of the key influences on our motivation, and on our will to lead, is a curious quality called agency.
This Is What Imposter Syndrome Looks Like
Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that Emma Watson gave an extraordinary speech to the United Nations on Saturday last. Watson was launching the UN Women #HeForShe campaign for gender equality.
The Power to Impact a Life
I had the privilege of seeing Clayton Christensen speak for the first time a couple of days ago. A professor of Business Administration at Harvard University, he is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work in the field of innovation. In particular, he advanced the concept of disruptive innovation, of new entrants at the bottom […]
Lies, Damn Lies and… Where are the Statistics?
A really interesting article caught my attention in the Globe & Mail on Monday, suggesting that your most engaged employees may also be your lowest performing employees. And your high performers may be feeling completely powerless. I can only imagine the legion of managers and supervisors that snorted their morning coffee or choked on their bagel as […]
Virtual Teams: A Futile Effort
Albert Einstein is attributed with defining insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…
What Are You In It For?
Entrepreneurs and leaders face enormous challenges. They are not the same challenges, however, and it would be dangerous to genericize the concept of ’universal leader’ in the same way that ’homo economicus’ is a bit of a non-starter. The investment marketplace is an irrational place to play, but we are all unique in our irrationality.