What a long, strange year it’s been. It is more than a little astonishing that—as I write this—it’s the winter solstice. It feels like the year started last week. And it feels like an eternity. My reflections on 2018, my plans for the coming year: what you can expect of me, and what I hope for you.
Reflections & Resolutions
I don’t generally write about myself, but I’m making an exception to that here. I’ve been away for awhile, dealing with a number of challenges on the personal front. Now, as we start a new year, I’m taking an opportunity to review and reflect on the year that has passed, and explore what is ahead in 2018.
Thanks for your patience.
Everything In Its Place
Miss en place is a delightful term. It comes from cooking, and is the basis of preparation for a chef. Meaning “everything in its place,” it highlights the value of being ready. It also highlights the value of actually getting started.
A Year End Reflection
It is more than a little difficult to believe that the year is almost over. It has been busier than I expected, and it has gone faster than I can imagine. It has been a year of successes and challenges, for me and others. What I’ve done, what I hope to do, and what I hope for everyone else.
Constructive Feedback & Choosing To Be Better
Feedback and criticism are generally seen as negative. We don’t like it, we get defensive and we very often resist it. That deflection is often our brains looking for the easy way out. And it’s arguably keeping us from doing our best work.
Team Building – Not Separate, Not Different, Not Optional
Many, many sins have been committed in the name of “team building.” All too often we associate team building exercises with awkward, superficial and embarrassing interactions. And much of what is done simply doesn’t work. Team building is often irrelevant, but building the team is critical.