For both executives and project managers alike, the PMO is viewed as a buffer. Rather than being a negative, this is all too often its desired purpose. The consequences for organizations are significant.
Studying The PMO
PMOs have become a hot topic. There are any number of opinions and perspectives on what they are, what they should do and how they should be established. But what is actually being done in practice today in organizations, and what sort of impact is it having?
Spelling Out EPM
One of the most elusive concepts facing organizations in implementing project management is understanding exactly what ‘enterprise project management’ represents. The concept is appealing, but what does it take to make it work?
Process Maturity Matters
Projects@Work magazine editor Aaron Smith interviewed Mark Mullaly about the results of the Organizational Project Management Baseline study, and its implications in developing organizational project management capabilities.
Deadly Questions For The Killer Candidate
Many of the questions asked during interviews are entirely predictable. They are also behind as many bad hiring decisions as good ones. Interview candidates know what they are likely to be asked, and prep to give you the answers you want to hear. So how do you find that perfect candidate?
The PMO Question
Defining the role of the PMO is an on-going question. PMOs continue to strive to demonstrate their relevance and value. But what if we took the time to ask project managers what they really wanted from a PMO?