Look out! Be careful! That’s dangerous! Should you really be doing that?! Risk has become quite the four-letter-word. It is, in certain circles, the new fetish to obsess about. In corporate corridors, over boardroom tables and in workshops and meetings (especially in workshops and meetings) risk management is a topic of seemingly endless discussion.
The Unbearable Madness Of Being: Our Quantified Selves
There is a lot of pressure to perform already. So why do we add to it? Without question, there are cultural influences behind the unrelenting and increasing pressure to achieve. The two aspects that I have explores so far—technology transformation and the improvement imperative reflect our response to societal changes. Certainly you can argue that […]
The Power to Impact a Life
I had the privilege of seeing Clayton Christensen speak for the first time a couple of days ago. A professor of Business Administration at Harvard University, he is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work in the field of innovation. In particular, he advanced the concept of disruptive innovation, of new entrants at the bottom […]
The Challenges Of No; The Temptations Of Yes
“No” is an awfully powerful word. It is a rejection. It is a wall. It is not an entry point. It is not a consultative word. It does not serve as the basis for dialogue or exploration. It is a full stop. Period. End of statement.
Creativity Like Clockwork
We tend to view creativity as something special. Unique. Ethereal. And therefore entirely difficult to summon or channel on demand. The idea that creativity can be planned and managed—can in fact be scheduled—is therefore one that strikes many of us as ludicrous and unreasonable.
Confronting Our ‘Overplayed Strengths’
It has long been asserted that a weakness is an overplayed strength. It is, arguably, how weaknesses actually become weaknesses: we don’t know when to stop, and so we keep on doing what got us there in the first place. Confidence becomes arrogance. Perspective becomes paralysis. Knowledge becomes blinkered. It’s an important concept, even if […]