Examples of bad writing abound. And in many instances, they are written that way on purpose. Why we think we are writing well, why we are actually writing badly and what we might consider doing differently.
The Myth of Best Practices
I’m a process geek. You might safely assume, then, that I would be a fan of “best practices.” You would be very wrong. Best practices generally aren’t. Unlike the promised intent, there is usually more than one best way to proceed in a given situation. We ignore that at our peril.
Culture, Competition & Consequences: Insights From Amazon
It’s been a tough week for Amazon. By the sound of it, though, it has been an even tougher couple of decades for some of Amazon’s employees.
Review – Losing the Signal
For the most part, I am not a fan of business biography. Too often they are hagiographic, arguing for a particular perspective in order to ‘set the record straight’ from the view of one party. Seldom is there actual balance.
The Unbearable Madness Of Being: Our Risk Obsession
Look out! Be careful! That’s dangerous! Should you really be doing that?! Risk has become quite the four-letter-word. It is, in certain circles, the new fetish to obsess about. In corporate corridors, over boardroom tables and in workshops and meetings (especially in workshops and meetings) risk management is a topic of seemingly endless discussion.
The Unbearable Madness Of Being: Our Quantified Selves
There is a lot of pressure to perform already. So why do we add to it? Without question, there are cultural influences behind the unrelenting and increasing pressure to achieve. The two aspects that I have explores so far—technology transformation and the improvement imperative reflect our response to societal changes. Certainly you can argue that […]