We tend not to like the idea of constraints. Boundaries are, after all, rather limiting. And yet they are also essential to creativity and innovation. The essential value of limitations in thinking big.
It’s OK For People Not To Like You
Many of us struggle with the idea of negative feedback. We will go to great lengths to avoid it, and nonetheless will dwell endlessly on it when it insinuates itself in our orbit. We want people to like us, and we fear rejection. It’s going to happen anyway, and that’s okay.
Making a Difference In a Time Like This
We live in difficult economic times. Organizations face uncertainty, fear and the threat of lay-offs. As a result, morale goes off a cliff and people go out the door. What are the strategies for succeeding in this environment?
When Purpose Just Means “Get This Done”
Purpose can be about larger meaning. But it can also just be focussed on getting something done. What is key is our ability to define why we are doing something, to care about doing it and to be committed to moving forward and getting it done.
Finding Purpose In The Salt Mines
Purpose is all well and good. But what happens when you work in a mind-numbing and soul-destroying bureaucracy? We need to broaden how we think about purpose, and where we seek to find it. Looking for ways to do our job well—and make it interesting—doesn’t hurt, either.
Purpose Isn’t Forever… It’s For Now
Purpose is a fundamental driver. It shapes how we lead, where we are going and how we approach our roles and actions today. But purpose isn’t forever. It’s about where we are going now, until the next change comes along…