Crystal lives in that weird space between “I really wish I had thought of that” and “that really creeps me out.” And it is difficult to say which side has more influence. A very new technology offers disturbing insights into how to communicate better with others.
Webinar – Embracing Uncertainty: Managing Complex Change
Project management is all about planning and control. Plan the work, and work the plan. The problem is, this only works well when you know exactly what you are producing, and can fully define the process of getting there. While this is possible for many projects, it is not possible for all. This is not […]
Exercising Agency: How Do I Develop Agency?
While we have explored what actually constitutes agency, and illustrated it with examples, a fundamental question is how it emerges. How exactly do individuals develop the ability to exercise agency?
Exercising Agency: What To Do When Politics Gets In The Way
Politics is a challenging concept. We tend to view the term ‘organizational politics’ negatively, often seeing it as competitive, antagonistic, manipulative and dysfunctional. Certainly organizational politics can be all of these things, but it doesn’t have to be.
Agency Illustrated: Breaking Out Of The Box
In a post last week, I explored in depth the question of what constitutes “agency.” I build on that here as a result of a bit of awesome serendipity, courtesy of Apple’s Tim Cook.
Exercising Agency: What To Do When Process Gets In The Way
While most organizations claim to have formal processes for project initiation, in a large number of instances these do not lead to better initiation decisions. The challenge is what to do when faced with ineffective process.